Whoopi Goldberg Syndrome

Yesterday in full display of anyone willing to watch The View saw a woman who clearly feels no matter where she is, she is the most important person in the room. Gracious is never a word we use for Whoopi. Bombastic, rude, arrogant, vitriolic and many more adjectives could be used.  However, what good does it do to bring to the forefront what she so openly displays. Yes, yes, I’ll hear the “First Amendment, right to free speech” argument for her unacceptable behavior.  The question is then asked of Ms Goldberg, why do you not extend that right to others who disagree with your position?

In a civil society when a discussion is ensuing one person speaks and the other listens. Then the other person speaks and the first person gives the same deference and listens.  This is not so with the Whoopi Syndrome groups. Shutting down discourse is their first and foremost claim to fame. During any interview on television you can always tell who the progressive leftist is just by how rude and overbearing they are. They constantly interrupt and speak over the other participants.  You don’t want these people in your family, have them as a co-worker, and you surely don’t want them for your neighbor.  It’s come to the point in the country that they are dangerous. Treat them as such. Take a wide berth, do not give them your time or your ear. Ostracize them. Their opinions do not resonate with the rational mind.

Civil society does need to be aware of their toxic effect on the culture and we need to expose them for who they are. Allowing them to dwell in our heads 24/7 is certainly not healthy.  We engage in raising our children with manners, encourage them to excel in what they choose to do, to listen to other ideas and analyze the veracity of those ideas and either accept or reject them.  Young people who have a sense of worth don’t need to bully others, in fact, they can help others who are bullied. Whoopi Goldberg is a bully. She treats it as a virtue. We need to raise a generation that rejects the Whoopi Goldberg Syndrome. It is no virtue to ridicule, scream, harass, and endanger others because they do not join your group think. This world is all Whoopi has to hold onto. She is clawing and scratching to keep it as she thinks it should be. She makes herself “very god.”  Sad very sad.

Scripture gives us a good guideline:

Proverbs 6:16-19 (NASB)
16  There are six things which the LORD hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him:
17  Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood,
18  A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil,
19  A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.

Having political passion does not excuse any of this. Take the high road. Teach your children the wisdom God gives through His word.  He has overcome the world. If this world is all we have, we are men most miserable. But praise God it’s not all we have because of His love and sacrifice for us over two-thousand years ago. I have a citizenship in heaven that is available to all who want it through Jesus Christ. It affords peace that this world cannot give. Whoopi Goldberg Syndrome is not allowed in that country.  If you trust in Him, then let me remind you:

Colossians 3:1-3 (NASB)
1  Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
2  Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.
3  For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

Use Whoopi as a teaching board. Display her for what has become, the degradation of a person and a culture. Pray for her that she is released from her bitterness and anger that is so obviously devouring her. She is to pitied not emulated.


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Filed under Biblical Wisdom, Democrats, Living the Word, Media, Political, Whoopi Goldberg

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