Tag Archives: Obama


Spy vs SpyNone of what is happening to America is happening by direction of one person. All are involved in this massive hoax on the people. For most of us our awakening was the introduction of an unknown Senator from Chicago that, for reasons that were yet unknown to us, was nominated to the highest office in the land. Not once but twice, and through both elections ballot integrity was riddled with questions.  But, the fix was in, the final assault on our sovereignty had begun in earnest and neither Party even bothered to pretend to glance at the evidence. We have been infiltrated, we are under assault now by our own Government.

It is crystal clear that the current President is not the real leader of this country. It’s crystal clear that playing basketball and golf is not what the leader of the free world indulges in ad nauseum.  It’s evident that in a time of crisis flying off to a fundraiser is buffoonish at best and while the American people are struggling it is incomprehensible that the leader of the “free” nation is spending our tax dollars on unnecessary extravagant vacations for himself, his extended family and friends. So who is minding the store? It’s not Barack Hussein Obama. He is just the lightening rod put in place – the shiny object to deflect our attention away from the shadow government.

The Clarion Call from the people to properly vet Obama in 2008 was ignored and the defensive mechanisms already in place from within began dropping bombs of defamation, accusations & ridicule against the people who asked serious, thoughtful questions. Since then we have been endlessly pandered to by elected representatives on both sides, who themselves are laden with malignant boils of deceit, knowingly & maliciously misleading the public with feigned concerns and pretexts of defensive action. It’s all show.

From local Governments to the highest office, to the courts and the military. It’s Spy vs Spy material complete with propaganda, false flags, Politburo news outlets, forged documents, criminal bureaucracies, serial suicides of bankers, dire warnings of false catastrophic man made events, warrentless searches and surveillance on once sovereign citizens, the list is lengthy and ongoing .

Interestingly, it’s what we didn’t realize before the 2010 elections that created the grassroots groundswell of Republican Party support. The Democrat Party was not hiding their communist leanings but what we didn’t understand at the time was both Parties held the same beliefs. So we supported what we believed was the Party that held our same beliefs. Let it soak in that they are not only ungrateful but constantly strive to silence us all.

Now is the time to face the the facts. We’ve been monumentally duped and we have opened the gates to a Trojan horse who calls itself the Republican Party, or the Independent Party, or the Libertarian Party feeling falsely secure as long as it’s not the Democrat Party. Unfortunately, the destructive disease is all through the body politic. There are no Parties. They are all simply politicians. It is too easy and now too immediate on our part that we are directing our disdain at one man & one Party while ignoring the width & depth of this deception.

Obama’s role is simple enough, accept the country’s disdain for his lack of performance and outrageous conduct while he lives the high life relishing being the face of power, which he’s not. What does he care? Remember, most of these politicians all have the same goal – more control, power & security for them, less freedom & security for us. The goal is to end to the U.S.A. as the land of the free.

By not realizing these facts we are continually weakening our own standing and emboldening this subversive Government. The amount of treasonous activity that has taken place over the past 5 years is overwhelming and yet it continues unabated. Neither the elected officials nor the courts have lifted a finger to stop the lawlessness. Not only are these subversives wreaking havoc in plain view but far too many citizens refuse to accept what is right in front of their eyes – No Party has moved in any positive direction to pull us from the brink. The nonstop flow of illegals from all over the globe continues and it is being unconstitutionally supported by all Parties.

This is a very serious threat and yet we have Ted Cruz, a sitting Senator and would-be Presidential candidate, teaming up with Glenn Beck, a showman, to jointly produce theater for the masses and legitimize the invasion (Cruz/Beck story).  Watch this video with Zack Taylor; Asymmetrical War, for the lowdown on the insidious level of betrayal that this administration and his enablers are perpetrating upon this nation.

Another area of deception politicians’ offer, the olive branch if you will, to the masses, is the mighty “Petition” ploy – a stratagem to make us feel we are a part of the system. In fact signing a petition only adds your name to their possible contributor list. Stop signing petitions.

Taking it further is the game of proposed Legislation ostensibly to protect us from bad behavior & dishonest politicians.  This serves only to  buy the sponsor cover since they know the legislation will never go anywhere. It doesn’t matter, they won’t enforce the laws we already have. Remind them that we are aware of their ploys and we are not buying what they are selling.

The conga line of Congressional Hearings are yet another illusion where the  perpetrators simply refuse to show up, commit perjury, or plead the 5th and nothing is done by Congress outside of saber rattling and pompous microphone/video moments. There is never a summation or verdict or action taken against the law breakers. No one, NO ONE, is ever held responsible for any of their actions and the victims remain victims in direct opposition to the truth that we are a nation of laws not men.

To take our minds’ off these inconsistencies we are bombarded with subversive propaganda from Russian news sites, fake Patriot sites and CIA misinformation campaigns via the internet (see this link for an example of hate fomenting drivel & anti-Semitic propaganda by a self-described “military” man).  Even our churches are in on the spin (see here & here).  Many have already heard the social justice agitprop from church podiums first hand.

The biggest hurdle in overcoming these deceptions lies in the willful self-deceit on the part of the people. The willingness to hand over decision making to the political class or some unelected bureacracy. Supporting the Party no matter what.  This is not football – The country needs a majority of citizens that understands this is no longer the Government of our Founders, no longer a Government for the People and certainly not by the People and that the majority of politicians are not here to serve the public good .

Reject the propaganda, hold to the truths that really are self-evident. We have the perfect document to secure our liberty and it is being shredded beyond comprehension – in military parlance it’s FUBAR and those responsible are subversives, they want us to believe we cannot govern ourselves.  As long as we believe that and put our trust in politicians we will prove them correct.

Politicians constantly lure people in with deceitful tactics. They have no allegiance to us or the country. Speak up – Call Them Out – Expose them for the frauds they are. We don’t need politicians to be our personal friends we need them to behave as the temporary Public Servants they were elected to be as outlined in our Constitution. They have one job – To uphold their Oath of Office and to represent the people of their States. Anything else is national suicide.  Anything else is illegal under the laws of the United States of America.


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Present Day Traitors

Bill Whittle of PJTV succinctly gives us, in a short six-minute video, a rundown of traitors from our history to present day. How do we recognize a traitor? He addresses Benedict Arnold, Bergdahl, Susan Rice, Eric Holder and Obama. He ends asking, “what about this guy; is he one of us?”



Pass it along. Quite thought-provoking.


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Filed under Obama, Political, Terrorism

Barack Hussein Obama the Traitor

Traitor! A strong word. Yes!  Let’s look at the definition in any good dictionary:

“a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc. : they see me as a traitor, a sellout to the enemy.”

There is something in a name isn’t there. The old adage holds true to the present President of the United States of America.

The release of five top terrorists from Gitmo for a traitor in our military speaks volumes.  He gives himself away. Dinesh D’Souza exposed Barack Hussein Obama’s background in his groundbreaking documentary “2016: Obama’s America.” That background and mindset is now in full view of the world.  He is a traitor to this country, to freedom, and to every American. A list of his deeds can’t fill this blog. I will hold to the lives he as offended, to the affront he has become to all freedom-loving people of this nation when he released men who participated in the planning of our tragedy on September 11, 2001. It is an American tragedy. Barack Hussein Obama is an American tragedy.

Barack Hussein Obama is a traitor to:

Every New York fireman and police officer who died in the towers on September 11, 2001

The hero citizens of Flight 93 who thwarted the terrorist attack presumed aimed at the White House or the Capitol.

Every citizen who was crushed, burned alive or jumped to their deaths from the flaming collapsing towers, including Jerrold Paskins a member of the church this author attended.

Every military man and woman who has been injured, maimed, or killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The brave men who fought for eight hours saving over 20 people in Benghazi as help was denied and died “honorably” unlike Bowe Bergdahl.

Ambassador Stevens, tortured and killed in Benghazi.

Every military family member who lost their dear ones in war fighting valiantly for our country.

Every veteran who fought to keep freedom alive in America, yet allowed to die without medical care.

The CIA station chief in Afghanistan whose name was released by the administration.

Seal Team Six who was killed in Afghanistan after Vice President Biden released the name of the group who killed Osama Bin Laden.

Mark Levin excoriates the administration in this ten minute analysis of the Bergdahl situation.


Yes, you military personnel out there are liars according to this administration. Not only are you liars according to this administration, Brandon Freidman to be exact,  you are “psychopaths and short on leadership.”  Lies and insults! This administration is an expert at them. Here’s my choice.  Do I believe the men and women on the ground with first hand knowledge, or do I believe a serial lying administration?  Take a guess which one I choose.

NOW we find out all the flag waving and leave no man behind was just a dog and pony show gone wrong.  They planned all along to release the five terrorists. They announced another one to be released just today. Why did we sacrifice our men, women, and treasure to have a treacherous President undo it all?  See the latest on the situation:

NBC Report Indicates Gov’t Planned to Release Gitmo Detainees Regardless if Bergdahl Was Released

Is Barack Hussein Obama a traitor. Yes he is. He is in my book and in many others.  Why oh why would any military commander want to serve under this President?

Shameful and unforgivable.

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Filed under Obama, Political

Media Incestous Relations with White House



I constantly hear, “when is the media going to wake up?”  The truth is they have been awake and they have chosen the path they are on. They’ve found an administration that mirrors their own political position. They will hide facts to keep their agenda from the citizens of our country. Barack Obama never feared that his lies would be exposed because they have something to gain from them. Their cronies can line up for benefits from the man they helped into the White House, including positions in the administration. Those who agree with them will line their pockets with your money and tell you how wonderful it is to robbed by them. If any dissent comes along, they have the bully pulpit to try and shut you down.   This chart shows you the incestuous relationship between the Obama White House and the Media corporations.  Media is in blue and administration connections in white. Notice how many are married and are siblings. Wayne Dupree has skillfully created the links to the White House.  Please see Mr Dupree’s website for full screen viewing of the chart:   “Obama’s Benghazi Corrupt Media Family Tree:..


Screen capture 2_2It  still comes back to that one question asked in previous blogs about Bundy Ranch, the BLM, and Harry Reid.  It’s the big WHY?  Keep asking yourself WHY does the media want to keep YOU in the dark? WHY do they deny the truth? WHY do they want to back a serial liar? WHY do they lie for him?

Never believe the media is there for truth. They have left that runway long ago. Journalists are hacks and pawns for the next progressive coming around the corner. They are re-writing history as it happens. They think they are immune to tyranny the un-American congress member or president is imposing on you. Lenin used the term “useful idiots.”   Thomas Sowell in his September 1, 2000 article titled “Useful Idiots” says it very well.  What is the end game – “to turn our children into the useful idiots of the future.”  It’s a short piece. Take a moment to understand corruption has gone on for a long time.

What did George Orwell say again? “The people will believe what the media tells them to believe.”




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Greatest Generation Gets Benghazi Scandal

One of the best commentaries I’ve heard on the White House scandal concerning the Benghzi, Libya massacre was voiced by Judge Jeanine Pirro of Fox News – Justice. There’s not much more to say after you watch her scathing diatribe on Mr. Obama and his administration.

The story has legs and it will only grow. This scandal dwarfs Watergate and Iran-Contra.  This will be the legacy of President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary  of Defense, Leon Panetta, and sadly, General Petraeus.

It appears gun-running is involved in Benghazi-gate, as reported by Catherine Herridge on Huckabee’s, Fox News program, on Saturday, October 27.  It seems gun-running is permanently attached to this administration. The investigation into Fast and Furious hasn’t even come to a conclusion and the results so far are not good for President Obama and Hillary Clinton.

There’s a pattern here don’t you think folks? Blame the gun shop owners and blame the creator of a video? Reminds me of a family member who always blamed his imaginary friend “Roger” when he was in hot water for doing something wrong and got caught. The scenario for this administration is  – it’s always the fault of someone else.  I’m sick to death of the most immature President I’ve seen in my life time.

When the smoke clears, the weeds cut down, and the truth comes out, this President and this administration will be exposed that they’ve been up to no good. They set up scenarios for political reasons and PEOPLE GET KILLED.

Thank the Lord for the Greatest Generation.  My father and grandfather were members of that honored community.

Stay tuned folks, it’s going to keep growing.

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Tragedy Escalates for Patriot Victims and Their Families

Early today I wrote a piece titled “Tragedy Upon Tragedy for Families of Benghazi Victims.”   The tragedy is compounded today with the exclusive by Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin, CIA “Denied Help During Benghazi Attack.” New information has surfaced that the CIA asked three times for help during the attack and they were told to “stand down.”  That’s correct. The current administration denied more security prior to the attack, and NO to the CIA asking for help during the seven hour firefight and consequent murders of our citizen-servants in Benghazi.  Seven hours of hell continued without the cavalry arriving.  Oh I forgot Mr. President “we don’t have as many horses as we use to have.”  I’d say horses would be a heck of a lot better than NOTHING at all sir! Griffin’s video coverage in the link above is chilling near the end when we’re told our men were laser-spotting the mortar position of the attackers and help never came. This is criminal.

(Note: During Bret Baier’s Special Report, he announced a follow-up special with new revelations airing Saturday at 1:00 p.m. ET, and more airings on Sunday.)

President Obama is not just a failed President. He is a failure as a man.

The gut-wrenching interview with slain patriot Tyrone Wood’s father is something you’ll never forget. The uncaring behavior and remarks by Obama and Joe Biden when his son’s body was returning home is breathtakingly crass. Hillary Clinton’s lies compound what we know today. Feigned solace is another slap in the face of these families.

Listen to Mr Woods’ phone interview with Glenn Beck:

Later today Mr. Obama said he knew nothing about the request for help. Yet, Hillary Clinton refutes that claim via her attorney Ed Klein during an interview on TheBlazeTV’s “Wilkow!

Last night, it was revealed that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had ordered more security at the U.S. mission in Benghazi before it was attacked where four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens were murdered by Al-Qaeda but President Obama denied the request.

The news broke on TheBlazeTV’s “Wilkow!” hosted by Andrew Wilkow, by best-selling author Ed Klein, who said the legal counsel to Clinton had informed him of this information.

Klein also said that those same sources informed him that former President Bill Clinton has been “urging” his wife [Hillary] to release official State Department documents that prove she called for additional security at the compound in Libya, which would almost certainly result in President Obama losing the election.

Klein explained that everyone knew what was happening in Benghazi from the CIA to the National Security Agency and that there’s intelligence cables that have not been released.

Wilkow asked, “If everybody knew this including the White House, who would have given the order to go in and save the ambassador?”

Klein, “The President…he should have given the order to use the rapid reaction force…”

Wilkow, “Not Petraeus?”

Klein, “Well it has to come from the president.”

Wilkow also asked Klein about Valerie Jarrett who’s the Senior Advisor to Obama and Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, and her role in this cover-up.

Klein said, “We don’t know but we can only assume that every action that the president takes, and he said so, he is on the record saying “I don’t take any actions without passing it by Valerie Jarrett”… so we have to assume that Valerie Jarrett whose also by the way, hooked into the Chicago campaign line…she has a direct line to David Axlerod, was a part of this whole cover-up in the White House.”

This latest news comes on the heels of when the Paulding County Republican Examiner reported that former CIA officer, Clare Lopez was a guest on the Glenn Beck TV on Monday evening and told Beck, “They let our ambassador and others die. In real time, watching it happen, and they didn’t do anything about it.”

Source:  Examiner October 25, 2012, Christopher Collins

Let’s see if documents prove that Mr. Klein.  I’d love to see them.

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Can Americans Handle the Truth?

“You Can’t Handle the truth!” A famous quote from Colonel Nathan R. Jessep in a “Few Good Men.”

After watching the third presidential debate on foreign policy last night, I wondered does Mitt Romney think that Americans can’t handle the truth? Bob Schieffer’s first question to lead off the debate  was on Libya. I anxiously awaited for Romney to confront Obama on Libya. I thought this will be big. He will expose the president’s lies, deceit and cover-up on this tragic event on September 11, 2012. But no, it wasn’t to be. Romney let it slide without a challenge to the president. No remarks on the biggest cover-up in the history of American politics!

Does Romney not know the corruption in this administration? How could he not know? He’s a billionaire with  an entire campaign team. He can have people research for the facts on Obama full-time.  Does he not check conservative news sources?  He is too smart and has too many resources not to know. The timeline on Libya is being covered by The Blaze, Business Insider, NewsMax and even CBS News. He has to know.

My thought is that he decided not to pursue if for political reasons. He must believe that the independent voter, the swing voter, the average American can’t handle the truth.

As an American I don’t want to believe that our president is in bed with the enemy. What else can I logically conclude after looking at the facts of Benghazi? Ambassador Stevens was afraid for his life and repeatedly requested additional security. Not only was his request denied, but the elite security that was there was pulled out as reported by Breit Baer of Fox News.

There was a live feed to the State Department, the White House and the Pentagon as the attack was occurring. There was a drone overhead. Let that sink in for a minute. Americans at the State Department, the White House and the Pentagon watched as four Americans were killed by Islamic Jihadists and they did not respond.

President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and other administration officials came out and lied to the American people for weeks saying that the protests were sparked by an amateur video that 17 people had watched prior to the president talking about it. The administration watched the attack in real-time and knew there were no protests before the embassy was attacked. They continued to press a narrative that the video was the cause of the attack.  The FBI  was not allowed into Libya until two weeks after the attack. They  were on the ground for only a few hours.  The New York Times has interviewed one of the suspects. As far as we know, the U.S. Intelligence community has not.

Ambassador Stevens was in Benghazi without adequate security. It is being reported that he was a gun broker to Al Qaeda.  Did the Obama administration lie to cover up they are in bed with Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood? According to reports, Ambassador Stevens was in Benghazi to broker another gun deal with jihadists in Syria.

The mainstream media is mostly ignoring this story and not asking questions. Romney makes the calculated decision to appear presidential instead of confrontational and angry. Perhaps he thought it would alienate the swing voter. Perhaps he thought Americans can’t handle the truth that our president appears to be aiding the enemy. If that isn’t the truth, then the president needs to be honest with the American people and tell us the truth. The news media needs to do its job and investigate an attack on a U.S. Embassy on September 11th.  Congress needs to  find out the truth before November 6th.  Gov. Romney,  I believe Americans will be able to handle the truth. In a free society we deserve to know the truth.

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Living Atlas Shrugged!

This is a movie our high school seniors and college age students need to see.

I attended a viewing of “Atlas Shrugged II” today. Part one was released last year.  The rights to Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged were close to running out. They had to create and release the movie or it was lost. It set the tone for an incremental takeover of private business by the government and removing the rights of business owners. Entrepreneurs were castigated for the audacity of thinking their hard work should gain them profit.  They were not working for the public good, they were greedy, cold-hearted and they had no right to what they built, thus the regulations began for massive government control.

Part Two continued with new regulations and a specific panel that would penalize businesses for selling products to a company not allowed under their laws. An edict from the President of the United States announced it would not allow businesses to fire their employees, sell their businesses, or employees to quit their jobs, and all wages were frozen. Overnight all were against the law.

Readers would say that’s impossible! Is it? Under the Obama administration, Gibson Guitar was raided and wood confiscated, the National Labor Relations Board sued Boeing company for wanting to open a plant in another state because the unions didn’t like it, the EPA deemed a private piece of land owned by the Sackett family in Idaho a wetland to keep the couple from building their home. No water had ever been on the land. Our citizens believe for the most part they are fighting these assaults on a personal or local level.  Not so! It is all orchestrated from the top down. The federal government.

The younger generations in our country have little knowledge of the freedoms the citizens of this country were once privileged to have. Regulations and freedom busting laws mean little to them.  I grew in a generation when our forests, lakes, rivers, deserts, and all areas of this great country was open for the citizens to enjoy.  That is no longer the case.  Laws and regulations are removing property rights, taxing private wells, and land leases long-held on federal lands are removing generational families from their homes.  Roads in our forests leading to rivers and lakes now have gates and chains blocking them. Laws are making campers criminals under the Travel Management Plan.  Not until our younger generation sees their prize snow board runs, rivers, and other recreational areas they love are closed to them, will they understand their freedom and choices are gone.

Atlas Shrugged II used the language of today in our political arena. The Fair Share law was the culprit. This makes it current and connects today with the dire warnings Ayn Rand authored in the 1950’s. Yes, this was all written as a  novel sixty years ago.  Rand was a Russian immigrant who knew from which she was spoke. She saw it all before and saw it beginning with our “New Deal” under Roosevelt. She knew we were headed down a long ugly road if we did not pay attention.

We didn’t. I didn’t. We became complacent and paid little attention to politics. We were working hard to care for our families.  We trusted them. THAT was an enormous mistake. We believed that when they took the oath of office, it meant the same to them as it would to us.  MAJOR ERR. We have become image voters, sound-bite voters.  If it looks good, smells good, and if the ad in is Disney type color, IT MUST BE THE TRUTH.  How gullible we’ve become. We have become our own worst enemies. We’ve become our children and grandchildren’s worst enemies.  I truly believe this. One day our children will rise up and curse my generation for what we have allowed to be brought on them.

Atlas Shrugged II will not win any awards, but it as movie that all young people need to see.  Perhaps the lightbulb will come. Use it as a gateway for discussion between parents about the headlines on laws and regulations and how it will affect them personally if they do not pay attention to leaders in the halls of our congress and those living in the White House. Even if they disagree it’s OK. As they see other things happening they will begin to put two and two together and think for themselves.

See the movie.  Find the theater closest to you.

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Filed under It's Atlas Shrugged, Political, Unions

Democrats Fleeing Obama

The glow of the Obama candidacy and reality of his Presidency is a shock and disappointment to many Democrats. Their hopes for our country under his leadership have been dashed.  The following ad highlights ordinary citizens who voted for Obama, their disappointment, and the reasons they are changing their vote to Mitt Romney.

They voice the disappointment of many who supported him. I support and applaud their honesty. It’s difficult to admit you made a mistake. We all have. The trail of destruction brought on by this administration is staggering. The debt laid on the backs of our children and future generations is beyond anything a man of integrity would foist on our country. These Democrats have awakened after the smoke has cleared and the image has been replaced with reality.

The lies and cover-up about the Libyan attack, killing four of our citizen-servants, is shameful and beyond the pale. The newly exposed refusal for more security requested by the ambassador from the Obama administration and State Department, headed by Hillary Clinton, IS criminal. This is not American leadership. This is not a man who wants to protect America, its citizens, or our future.

To put it bluntly these Democrats were conned.  The country has been conned.  What’s that old saying, “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me?”  I pray these Democrats have a great influence on their neighbors, family, friends, and co-workers. I pray this video awakens those on the fence about this election.

Folks, Romney is not my first choice but I know what we have in Obama and it’s a disaster.  We have a CHANCE to change course back to prosperity.  It will not be easy and it will not be overnight. But it is a chance.

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DNC Platform – Hating God & Loving Immorality

Recently my friend and author, gram4liberty, wrote “The Malice of Truth.”  It summarizes blow back she received from Christians who call themselves Democrats.  The vitriol that came her way was not expected.  She soon realized not all who name the name of Christ are who, or what, they say they are. It was a sad awakening. Many of us have had the same Alinsky attack by so-called friends when we speak up for righteousness.   I dare say that Pastor-teacher John MacArthur, President of Masters College, will come under the same attack.

John spoke at his church after being away for a couple of weeks and expounded upon his disgust at the horror he witnessed at the Democrat Convention.  Mr. MacArthur rarely speaks on politics, in fact, the 40 years that I’ve been aware of his preaching, I can count on one had that he has mentioned political issues.  However, the convention, in his own words:

“And as you know, I’m not one to talk about politics as such, but I was essentially amazed that one of the historic parties here in the United States adopted the sins of Romans 1 as their platform. This is a new day in our country. Parties which used to differ on economics now differ dramatically on issues that invade the realm of God’s law and morality.”

He later adds, “This is not about politics, although there are things we could talk about. You’re not voting for a pastor, you’re not voting for a spiritual leader, you’re voting for someone who has some sense of morality. Since the Bible says that the role of government is to punish evil doers and protect the good, you better have somebody in power who understands what is good and what is evil. And if you think homosexuality, abortion, sexual freedom, hating God are not evil, then you better go back and check your Bible again. How can people with that kind of agenda protect those who do good and punish those who do evil? That’s Romans 13’s definition of the role of government. We could talk about foreign policies, should we protect as many defenseless people from evil aggressors as possible? We could talk about economics, Is it right to get into irreparable debt? Is that responsibility? We could talk about that.

We could talk about the economics of, if you don’t work, you don’t eat, which is what the Bible says. But those things are not what concern me. And I’ve seen something happen in these conventions that is just stunning. The adaptation of a Romans 1 platform, sexual freedom, homosexuality on an equal level with marriage, the murder of infants, and the elimination of God.

And by the way, I didn’t like it any better when they put God back in because that’s blasphemy. To connect God with that agenda is a horror, it’s a horror. It’s taking His name in vain. In fact, I don’t think God should be in either agenda (applause).

Mr. MacArthur calls this convention and this campaign, “The Campaign of Immorality.”   I agree.

If we do not speak out when a national party advocates what they have adopted as their platform, we have no reason to complain when the severe judgment that is coming to this nation arrives.  IT IS COMING.  I would encourage you to watch the video of the sermon.  Pray before you watch, share it with those in your church community and pray for open hearts that our country will turn from our pagan ways.  John’s prayer shows the heart of the man.  Please read the closing prayer prior to watching the video:

Our Father, we thank You that You have drawn us into this place today to worship You and to exalt You and glorify Your name. That’s what we’ve endeavored to do even in this very difficult subject. We know that we can’t sweep away the tsunami with our little broom. We know that the tsunami is coming, and it’s coming with divine power of destruction. But we can stand up for what is right. We can be  salt and light, a righteous testimony in an unrighteous world. Help us to do that, and help us to look at these people who advocate all of this the way Jeremiah looked at his sinful people, with sadness, not with hatred. We hate the evil, we hate the wicked and what they do, and yet we like Jeremiah wish that our heads were fountains so that we would have no end to the repository of tears that we could weep for those who will fall under judgment. We pray, Lord, that You will lift up Jesus Christ in this nation and all the false professors, the false people who claim to know You and Your Son, will be exposed in their hearts. First of all, for their own eternal safety, and that we might know what the true gospel is and true love for Christ. We might know what truth is, what righteousness is. We don’t have any right to ask for anything for this country, for we have no promises from You for that. But we do ask that there might be even in this dark, dark hour a great moving of the truth and the gospel, to save sinners before the judgment is final. And make us shining lights in the midst of the darkness and exalt Your Son. We pray in His name.

My prayer is that every true believer, will watch this 49-minute video, and give it weighty thought.  How does this convict us, how can we pray, be salt and light, and not bow to the pressures of this world to conform to ungodly and satanic thinking:

Video:   Abortion and the Campaign for Immorality

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